About My Business
Hello! My name is Violet, and my goal is to help what I call the "Pew-to-Woo Pipeline!"
What does that entail?
I offer Tarot & Oracle card readings both in person and virtually. You can learn more about this on the Tarot & Oracle page.
I offer Spell Casting, as well as consultations and/or kits to help you perform your own spellwork. My specialties are enchanted skin care and other enchanted physical objects. You can learn more about this on the Spells page.
Through my personal journey of mysticism, I have found that my gifts are best used in helping others through their spiritual transitions and metamorphoses. Mentorship can be done with or without Divination. To schedule a consultation for Mentorship, visit the Contact page.
Sapphire Scents are Occult inspired aromas made by yours truly! I take great care in choosing ingredients for my products, and everything comes in reusable packaging. You can find more about these items in the Sapphire Shop.
Where I'm Headed
Certification in Religious Deconstruction Coaching, as well as Death Doula work are both personal goals of mine. It's important to me that I am receiving proper education in those respective fields, but as life takes me in other directions periodically (as it usually does), I've had to move those goal posts longer distances, and continue to learn the way I normally do... personal experience and lots and lots of reading.
While I do currently offer mentorship, Deconstruction Coaching is much more intensive and aligned with wellness. This service is best provided by a certified professional, and I am just beginning my academic journey in this field. If you are in immediate need of a Deconstruction Coach, you can find many resources online or ask your health care practitioner about counseling.
As mentioned above, I have come to realize that my place of service is transition. There is no greater transition than Death, both for the one dying and the ones whom remain here to remember them. As part of the human experience, we mark all kinds of transitions with ritual, ceremony, and celebration. Events like weddings, baby naming ceremonies, and funerals are all examples of events that can become a little strange (and even downright anxiety ridden) for people who do not identify with one of the five major world religions, or have experienced religious trauma. My goal is to one day do all the things you would normally ask your religious leader to do. The difference is that my intention is to adjust my services to suit my clients, not the other way around. In order to do this, I will need an interfaith education and ordination. While I sometimes might feel like it, I'm not Superwoman. I can't take all these classes and learn all these things overnight. But what I can do is promise you that I will provide my services to you with both your best interests, and my personal goals and code of conduct in mind.
To read more about my personal code of conduct, click here.